The other M in LAMP
I’ve been playing with MediaWiki, the software that powers Wikipedia. MediaWiki is in PHP and classic LAMP fodder so I had assumed that it was going to be something of a trial, given that I have no Linux box at home to test things on. But of course my little ancient iMac is running OS X and while I’ve always been aware that it’s Unix based in a kind of abstract way, I’ve finally had a demonstration of what that means in practice. The MySQL installer of OS X is laughably simple, really, it’s not even worth talking about. Getting PHP to run on Panther is also simple if you know what you’re doing. Google (at least the searches I was running) talks about downloading this, and compiling that. In the end a little poking about revealed the following (repeated here for future googling): All you have to do to make PHP work in panther is edit /etc/httpd/httpd.conf and uncomment the lines LoadModule php4_module libexec/httpd/ and AddModule mod_php...